Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fun at the Dentist's office

I know...that sounds crazy, but the boys go to a great dentist. The experience starts with a huge fish tank in the waiting room, as well as a special play room for the kiddos. Parents can enjoy fresh brewed coffee, and the kids are offered a choice of juice (Jack and Luke chose apple juice in cute, apple-shaped containers). The office is decorated to awe and amaze little ones with huge stuffed animals, chairs shaped like teeth, and other fun decorations. Everyone who works there (which includes one of our neighbors!) is wonderful and very patient with kids. Jack did great during his X-rays, so he got to pick a sticker. Since Luke was along for the ride, they went out of their way to provide him with a great experience, too. That included picking his own Transformers sticker! They got to watch a movie (today it was Despicable Me) while Jack got his teeth cleaned and polished with his choice of flavor (he picked cookie dough.) For his fluoride treatment, he picked marshmallow flavor. This is not your parents' dentist. The boys got to pick their toothbrushes (soccer for Jack and Toy Story for Luke) and got goody bags full of items to help them keep their teeth in great health. The Dentist, Dr. Josh, then comes in to "count their teeth"- nothing scary here! No cavities for Jack (hurray!), so he is entered into the no cavity club for a chance to win one of the giant stuffed animals lining the office! They both get balloons to celebrate Jack's birthday, then get to pick something out of the treasure chest. With all of that, it's no wonder the boys look forward to going to the dentist!

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