Sunday, May 4, 2008

Vacation Time!

We went on a great vacation up to Santa Cruz with the Del Vecchio's. We rented a beach house in between Santa Cruz and Capitola. The big boys played Pebble Beach and we all had a lot of relaxation time. The little boys played well together and Jack kept Zak busy running around all day.

Fun at the Monterey Aquarium

Getting a better view from Daddy's shoulders

Zak had fun playing with the fish, but got a little wet.
Jack loved bouncing on the waterbed at the Aquarium. Zak wasn't so sure about this one.

The boys got to ride together in the bike trailer!

The boys having a snack and watching Clifford, the Big Red Dog.

Zak, Jody and Adam Del Vecchio

The Gislers! Jack was too busy watching the tram to care about the family picture :)