Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

The boys both had class parties today for Valentine's Day.  Parents were invited to the preschool party, but not the elementary school (they are big kids! LOL)  I helped set up for Luke's party and had fun watching him with his little friends.  The boys had a surprise for me planned with Nick, and they sent me to the other room that night while they baked and decorated a cake.  It was a wonderful night with my favorite guys.

Music time with Ms. Nicole!

Craft time!

This was a fun game!  The kids played "hot potato" with this tissue ball.  Each layer was tied with a ribbon and if they were holding the ball when the music stopped, they got to pull the ribbon and remove the tissue layer.  Each layer held a little treat.

My little chefs!

What an AWESOME heart cake!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Our special guest, Clifford!

Each weekend, one child in Jack's class gets to bring home Clifford, the Big Red Dog.  He comes home in a red bag, along with some Clifford books.  We are asked to help Clifford experience different adventures and to write about the weekend in a special journal.  What a great weekend for Clifford to be a special guest in the Gisler house!  We captured his weekend with some pictures, which will go in the journal!
Jack and Clifford watching cartoons.  Clifford even got his own chair!

Jack and Clifford playing in Jack's room.

Jack and Clifford at Acapulco restaurant.  Clifford enjoyed the Mexican food!

Clifford helped Jack pick out a new pair of shoes!

In addition, Clifford got to come along for our surprise trip to Disneyland!  Check out the next blog entry for pics of Clifford's big adventure at the happiest place on earth!


We surprised the boys with a trip to Disneyland!!!  We met the Blakes, who were there to celebrate Addie's 4th birthday.  We all had such a blast! Jack and Addie became little buddies, and got to sit together on a lot rides- such big kids :)  We ended the fun by watching the parade on Main Street.  What a great way to end a fantastic day!!!  So many of the characters wished Addie a happy birthday, and her face lit up every time!  We walked out of the park and over to Denny's to dinner in an attempt to shorten our wait time (hungry kids don't do well waiting 45 minutes plus for dinner!)  It was a blast and a perfect way to end a fantastic day.  We love the Blakes and were so happy we were able to spend this day with them!!!

Luke's Trike a Thon

Each year the preschool holds a Trike-a-Thon to raise money.  Luke has watched Jack participate for the last couple of years, and now it was his turn!  Oh, he was so excited about getting to bring his bike to school!  He loves riding his bike, and I think he might be about ready to make a go at no training wheels.  He did a great job!  If you want to contribute funds for his efforts, just let us know! ;)