Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween is such a fun time for our family.  The boys LOVE dressing up, and they put a lot of thought into their costumes.  This year we were back to superheroes, and it was a family affair.  I was Black Widow, Nick was Dark Knight Batman, Jack was Flash, and Luke was Captain America.  We had our annual Halloween party and then went Trick-or-Treating with friends, including the Del Vecchios and Natoris.  This was also the debut of baby Noah, who was born 10/11/12!  Tiffany and Will had such cute costumes for them and their little sushi.  So much fun!
Nick and I went to a costume party for our friends, Caryl and Justin's birthday, and we dressed as Hawkeye and Black Widow.  Jack didn't want Nick to be Hawkeye for Halloween, because that would have meant Jack would be the only DC superhero.  Hard to argue with that!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Luke's Preschool Grandparents' Day

Luke's preschool has a lot of great programs.  One of our favorites is Grandparents' Day.  He did such a great job during the recital, and he really enjoyed showing his grandparents Ms. Cathy's classroom.  He also loved the donut that Grandma Clark gave him from the snack table!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

CHOC Walk 2012

We participated in the CHOC Walk again this year, benefiting the Childrens' Hospital of Orange County, and this year the Del Vecchio family joined us.  It takes place in Disneyland and California Adventure and is such a great cause.  It is good for our boys to experience this and understand how blessed they are to be healthy.  This year's walk was incredibly croweded, and they started us in California Adventure instead of Disneyland so that they could showcase Cars Land.  Given how many people were participating in the walk, this caused a terrible bottle neck.  It wasn't the best organized event this year, but it is still for a wonderful cause. Thanks to all who supported us! 

Luke admiring Josh's Spiderman sock.  Good friends!