Friday, December 17, 2010

Visit from Santa 2010

Continuing the Gisler tradition, Santa made a special stop at our house the week before Christmas.  As part of the arrangement, Tiffany is required to serve as Santa's helper for the evening.  This year, the Del Vecchio's and Bird's were with us, and the kids did a great job telling Santa exactly what they want.  Of course, they were all great kids all year long, so no worries about being on the naughty list!
 Lana went first, which was only fair given she's the oldest at 7!
 Next up was Ian Bird.
 Santa's big belly must be pretty comfortable.

 Jack's turn!  He asked Santa for a rocket ship....and to be clear, he made sure Santa knew he wanted a toy, not a real rocket ship.  Glad he clarified.

 Thumbs up!  Sweet!!!  I'm sure that rocket ship will be under the tree now!
 Zak was a crack up.  He had a list of items, which he repeated, in order, on command.  He had clearly been practicing.

 Josh wasn't going anywhere near the bearded man.
 That's the look of sheer terror. His poor toes even curled up!
 I was a little worried about Luke following Josh given how scared Josh was, but Luke did great. He looked right at Santa, and he gave him his wish- "Batman"

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